The best Squarespace templates for blogs

The first step in setting up a blog on Squarespace is to pick a template — here’s how to choose a good one.

If you’re planning on launching a blog and want to get traffic, you need to make sure you’re choosing a template that will allow you to publish a lot of written content.

All Squarespace templates have the same features, but what I often see is the blog page added on as an afterthought, rather than placed front and centre.

The most important things you need in a Squarespace blog template

  • Responsiveness: It’s important to choose a template that is optimised for mobile. They pretty much all will be responsive, but it’s also good to check that some of the cool features you see on desktop translate to a good mobile format. Why? Because you can expect the majority of your traffic to come from mobile devices, so you should always look for mobile-first templates, even if you’re shopping around on desktop.

Here’s what you don’t need

  • Forget about side bars, you really don’t need them

  • Templates with video look really cool, but are a bit more risky for SEO, as they can slow down the page speed.

If you’re curious about the world of travel blogging, you might be interested in reading some of my posts on how I publish content on Squarespace:

Petrina Darrah

I’m a freelance travel writer from New Zealand with bylines in National Geographic Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure and more.

I’ve travelled up and down beautiful Aotearoa and I love sharing my insights into the best places to visit.

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