I’m Petrina, the freelance travel writer and full time day dreamer behind High Alpine Creative. I built my own website to find financial freedom, and I want to share everything I’ve learned.

I had a Squarespace portfolio website for years before I started publishing blogs.

It started as an experiment. It grew into a successful travel blog.

When I lost my main freelance travel writing client, I decided to go all in on my website and see if I could scale it to a point of making money.

In less than a year, I qualified for Mediavine and started making money from advertising.

Given the state of media, I want to share my experience with travel blogging on Squarespace.

Contrary to all popular information out there about launching a travel blog on Squarespace, it is entirely possible to make money from it and to build a worthwhile brand.

Building beautiful websites

Building a life on my terms


Why high alpine?

Because there are few feelings in the world for me that surpass the feeling of clearing a treeline and emerging into an alpine environment.

In the high mountains, the air is crisp and clear, the weather threatens to change constantly.

Creating my dream business feels akin to the feeling of slogging my way up a mountain. Reaching a summit is never easy, but it’s always worth it, every single time.