Squarespace SEO: Tips and a checklist for travel bloggers

Here’s the process I followed to build my travel blog on Squarespace

One of the biggest myths about Squarespace is that it’s bad for SEO.

Well, any site can perform poorly in search if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Ignore the people who say Squarespace is bad for SEO, monetisation, or whatever else they like to say. A lot of bloggers follow the same templated advice just because that’s what has been kicking around the internet for years. My best tip; test everything yourself.

There are some use cases where a Squarespace site might not be the best choice.

For example, a highly complex website that requires a lot of customisation — the kind of case where you would be working with a team of developers to build custom features.

But for publishing straightforward websites, like blogs, Squarespace will do the job and do it well.

Website developers prefer Wordpress because it means they can do more bespoke work.

Most travel writers or bloggers won’t need to juggle a lot of custom code.

I use CSS on my Squarespace travel blog because I like making things pretty, but the tweaks I can do through CSS are really all I need. If I was ever to expand my site into e-commerce or something more complicated than a publishing platform, I might consider moving away from Squarespace — but for now I’m fine.

A few things to remember:

  • The most important part of SEO is creating genuinely useful content. There is no number of tips and tricks that will work if your content isn’t helpful.

  • A platform alone isn’t enough to boost (or hinder) your SEO. Optimising your website is a holistic approach that takes many factors into account. There is no one magic fix.

  • SEO takes a long time, in terms of content creation and waiting to see results. This can make it hard to attribute direct actions to SEO — just something to keep in mind when you hear people say their traffic increased because of changing platforms.

If you found this helpful, you might also like to take a peek at my other tips on blogging on Squarespace:


Petrina Darrah is the founder of High Alpine Creative and a freelance travel writer. After successfully building her own travel blog, she set out to help other day dreamers create their own beautiful blogs on Squarespace — mostly because others said it can’t be done.

Petrina Darrah

I’m a freelance travel writer from New Zealand with bylines in National Geographic Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure and more.

I’ve travelled up and down beautiful Aotearoa and I love sharing my insights into the best places to visit.

If you love good food and good views, you’ve come to the right place. Browse around, and let me give you all my best local recommendations!


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